Okay, so I posted below that Kris Kristofferson was one of my top two favorite actors of the '70s, well here's my favorite in a new AWESOME M&M ad - Mr. Burt Reynolds. You heard me! He was THE MAN of the '70s - so much so I wanted to name our first dog after him. Kristen would not allow it. However, she has since changed her mind and will allow me to name our next dog Bandit. Close enough. Check the ad...
The movie Convoy seriously kicks so much ass, and Kris Kristofferson was one of the two coolest '70s actors to ever grace the big screen. And I'd argue that this is unquestionably one of his finer moments. It reminds me of being a snot-nosed, feather-haired, seven-year-old boy. Ah...the good ol' days.
What's so interesting about Convoy is that it was my favorite movie for years as a kid. See, I had an unhealthy infatuation with "big trucks," or "rigs" as Kristen calls them. Well...my mom took me to see Convoy at the drive-in back in 1978, and it was all over after that. Big trucks were my thang!
I had spent a good twenty years trying to see this movie again, with no luck. It's never on TV, and for the longest time, it was almost impossible to find on VHS. In fact, the VHS tapes of the movie I saw sold on eBay for over $100. I was almost tempted once, but decided against it.
Convoy was released on DVD a couple years ago, and I've watched it many times since getting it. It's still as good (and campy) as I remember. I just so happened to think it'd be fund to share the opening scene of the movie with you. It's one of the best parts and it has the C.W. McCall song, "Convoy."
And oh yeah...I had the biggest crush on Ali McGraw in this movie, too. Tight afro and everything...
Today, I finished with my stores and the sun was out, so I decided to head out east for some sightseeing and BOY was I glad I did. Twenty minutes east of the city in Troutdale, I got off the highway and headed down the Historic Columbia River Highway.
There were huge cliffs all around and more mossy trees. But then, approx 4 minutes into the shady drive, I saw something that nearly made me hit a tree! I pulled off the road to take a picture. It was a waterfall, a natural, powerful, ROARING waterfall nearly 5 stories tall. I couldn’t believe it! This was NOTHING like the waterfall at the Topeka Zoo, y’all.
Luckily, as I learned, the scenic highway was littered with them. And I stopped at EVERY one. I reached a viewpoint called the Vista House that looked out over the the Columbia River Gorge, which Lewis & Clark traveled through in 1805 on their expedition to the west. It looked like the “Cliffs of Insanity” from the Princess Bride. It took my breath away. I got tons of pictures, which I will post tomorrow. Finally, I made my way to Hood River, OR in an attempt to snap a photo of Mt. Hood.
Unfortunately, there were MOUNTAINS blocking my way, so I drove the trusty Grand Prix up to a panoramic viewpoint and managed to get a few pictures – even though the clouds had rolled in. I can’t tell you how beautiful everything was today. Amazing. I sure hope to make it back here someday…in the summer. Brrrr.
The lyrics to this country song from the 80's are very appropriate since I am stuck in Portland and my Okie husband is back home on the 9 year anniversary of our first date. Yep - 9 years ago the day after Fat Tuesday, Mark took me out to the Cheesecake Factory and we've been together ever since, which makes me The Happiest Girl in the Whole USA - to quote another country song.
So, Mark, Happy Anniversary....I'm sure missing you.....
This afternoon, after visiting my stores on the west side of Portland, I thought I'd take the 50 minute drive to the coast. The scenery was gorgeous - first vineyards and dairies and then a forest of tall pine trees covered in rich, shaggy moss. The highway was a tight, winding 2-lane logging road that climbed into the mountains. Thirty minutes into the trip, I passed a sign that said something to the effect of tire chains being a necessity. As I climbed higher and higher, the temperature gauge on my Grand Prix started flashing "ice, ice, ice." And the snow began falling. Panicking and having visions of running off the road in the Oregon wilderness, I turned around. Although I did not reach the Pacific, I was able to get some great photos along the way and saw some unique countryside - including tunnels that cut through mountains. I will post the pics on Thursday when I get home.
Starwood just gave me 7000 points because this is what I found under my bed this morning:
- Top to a vodka bottle - Yellow Crayon - Crayon box - Women's underwear - Bobby pin in shower - Chocolate Sprinkles (in nightstand drawer) - Bud Light Cap (in nightstand drawer)
Gross. Barf. I know they say the roots of the Grunge movement are in Seattle, but I think that is incorrect. It is clearly Portland. Yuck. After this small "surprise and delight," I visited my stores in the Happy Valley. However, it was raining, so the valley didn't seem too happy to me. I finished off my day with a glass of wine downtown, a Jayhawk win (Rock Chalk!), Deal or No Deal, and my fav - Heroes. Off to more stores tomorrow! -kk
Whew! I'm finally here in Portland, OR. I got a little lost getting downtown. Took the wrong bridge over the Williamette river - which, by the way, is very wide and kind of scares me, not like the Missouri River at all. I had to pull over and figure my way on a downtown map. Luckily, I am a skilled navigator. I was very thankful to get to the hotel. I told the check-in lady that, being from Kansas, large bodies of water freak me out. Pretty daggone funny. Other than that, downtown looks kinda cool, of course it is 10:30pm - which in KC time is way late. Flight was 4 hours, direct.
No pics from the trip yet, here until Thurs morning. More "News from the Northwest" tomorrow! Since I AM here though - MORE climbers get stranded on Mt. Hood? Why do people keep climbing that mountain? The challenge? Geez. I think a spin class is challenging. Do that, crazy people!! -kk
The 4 inches of snow we received overnight has transformed the Sprint Campus into Narnia. What a beautiful, white wonderland! That is until you have to go inside and answer e-mails about a poster that was printed incorrectly for the Segmentation Trial in Seattle that begins on Thursday. Then it's not such a wonderland.
Here is an infectious new song by Scissor Sisters - "I Don't Feel Like Dancin." The title is a nice use of irony because dancing is exactly what the song makes you want to do. In fact, it's a near impossibility to sit still while listening to it, although I challenge you to try. The song is a nice mix of Bee Gees with the theatrics of Queen. Try to muster up a soft and gentle sway. Enjoy! -kk
Tonight! Tonight! Hot Damn, Tonight! Poor stressed out Willie... Here's a nice drawing of our fair coach, Bill Self, and Wildcats Coach Bobby Huggins (who was fired from his coaching job in Cincinnati due to an unfortunate DUI mishap). Finally, a video to get you psyched up! Rock Chalk Jayhawk!!! Double-click the arrow to watch!
Here is a picture taken at work Friday of our friends Alok (Bears) and Cooper (Colts). Alok is from Naperville, IL and Coop spent several years in Indianapolis. Unfortunately for Alok, his Bears lost the game yesterday. And now, according to the bet these two handsome gents made, Alok has to sing and dance to the "Superbowl Shuffle" at our happy hour on Friday. Very sad.