Here is a mish-mash of what we've been doing the past few weeks. In early June, I went to Beaumont for Nephew Bodie's first birthday!!! The cake was fantastic - went with his "Big Kahuna" theme.

Here are Nana and James asleep on the flight down. They dozed off during "Cars," which I'd never seen - and which turned out to be a really great movie (wish I could have heard it over the snore symphony).

It was also Molly's birthday and BOY can she throw a party!

Ah the delights of cleaning up after the previous evening's festivities

Isn't Bodie the cutest don't you just want to squeeze his cheeks???

Here is James summoning the Power of Greyskull.

And here he is hiding in the pillows kinda like ET did with the stuffed animals...

Oooookay - back to the Starr household. Unfortunately, Iris developed a raging cold and 104 degree temp while I was in TX. When she started feeling better, however, she also started immediately walking! So now we've got two on the move!
Her hands are always in this position when walking. Perhaps she's attemting to do the Charleston?
We learned at our visit to Children's Mercy that texting always makes Iris feel better.

And here's our sweet pea Nora. Quite the intellectual - always with her head in a book.

The old family pic in the mirror trick!

I like to call this one "when animals attack."

This past weekend, the gals and I headed to Topeka while Daddy went to the lake with the boys!

We're nutty. Wanna know how nutty? Iris lost her shoe. That's how nutty.

Alright! That's all from the Starr camp. More to come soon! Have a great Fourth! Happy Birthday, America!!!