Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Grandma Starr comes for Christmas!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Christmas is rapidly approaching and the girls are on their BEST behavior anticipating Santa's arrival. For example, here is Nora and the beautiful Starr tannenbaum we have repeatedly told her not to touch. Ahhh the Holiday Spirit - alive and well.
Mark and the girls relaxing in the afternoon watching our favorite - "Horton Hears a Who" - for the six hundreth time. "I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant is faithful - one hundred percent!" Dr. Seuss, the cream of the crop!
Alright, so here's my favorite part, well, aside from being with family and friends and celebrating the true meaning of Christmas and being thankful for health and happiness. After all that malarky, I mean, here's my favorite part. Baking. Ahhh baking. And boiling - in this case, butter and sugar until it forms TOFFEE. Yummmmmmmy.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Turkey Day Wrap-up
What a merry Turkey day we had! All the family came to Topeka to celebrate the day! Here are the boys preparing to deep fry the turkeys.....looks like trouble to me!
Here are all the kids (except Iris) enjoying a wholesome meal of various Frito Lay goodies. L to R: Nora, James, Megan (our exotic Arizona cousin), and Bodie.
Here is the star of Thanksgiving - Poochie the dog. She is new to the family and lives in Belton, MO with my Aunt Nancy and Uncle Tom. Nora and Iris thought she was the bee's knees.
Here are the parents fixing the pre-Thanksgiving vittles. Mmmm!
James and Bodie were a little stand-offish with Aunt Kiki, so I dressed in stripes and looked up Cars videos on Youtube to entice them. Worked like a charm!!!
It was such a great week. Seeing Molly, Colin, and the boys is always fantastic! I wouldn't want to do it again before tomorrow!
Thanks, Cuz!
A HUGE Starr "thank you" to our cousin Quinlan. He was so generous and gave the girls his fantastic kitchen set. They LOVE it and play with it every day. They know how to use the utensils to "mixa-mixa-mixa" in the saucers and pans. It's so much fun. Here are some fun pictures to show their cooking chops. Taking after their chef Daddy!
Iris especially likes to make toast in the toaster.
Deck the Halls - and the Hair!
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