Monday, February 06, 2006

Busy Bees

Kristen and I were on the go the entire weekend. I would say, though, that this was probably the worst we’ve eaten in almost a month. Friday night we went to our favorite pizza joint called Minsky’s. I had a little too much wine after work (and before KK got home), so I’m glad we went to eat some greasy pizza. To be fair, we only ordered a medium…but still… After that we came home and watched Owning Mahony with Philip Seymour-Hoffman.

Then, on Saturday, we went down to Union Station to watch a couple (shorter) movies on their IMAX screen, but the sound cut out about ten minutes into the first movie. It was very frustrating since it was so much fun. So we drove down to the plaza at that point to get some lunch at PF Chang’s. It was good as usual. After Chang’s, we decided to go to Lukas Liquor Superstore at 135th & State Line because Kristen’s previous manager told her they have a tasting bar like this. It’s very, very nice. You pay $25 (or whatever amount you choose) and they give you a credit card. Then you go around the bar and they have wine stewards that slide your card in “wine machines” and you can try different wines in 1, 2, or 4 ounce pours. We bought a few bottles of wine we liked and headed home.

Yesterday we spent a good portion of the day driving all over town looking for things for the house. We bought some bedding for the guest room, some light switch covers, and some flood lights for outside. Last night we went to eat Mexican food so we could watch the beginning of the Super Bowl. We ended up watching the rest at home with a couple glasses of the 12 yr. Chateau Reynella Old Cave Port we bought on Saturday. I think it’s the best we’ve had thus far. Definitely recommended.

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