A paraphrased conversation between Kristen and I:
Kristen: Did you know Gary Leitnaker was in a band and that they’re getting back together to do a show?
Mark: You mean like The Blues Brothers saying “we’re gettin’ the band back together.”
Kristen: No seriously. They supposed to be awesome and are going to be inducted into the Kansas Music Hall of Fame.
Mark: Hmmmm. I didn’t know that.
Kristen: We’re going to their show next week to see them play.
Mark: Awesome…where are they playing?
Kristen: Liberty Hall in Lawrence (or the Red Dog as Koffee says).
Mark: Sweet…I’m there.
Needless to say I was pretty impressed by The Common Few. They were together at one of the most amazing times in the history of modern music, and it was fun to see them together again and enjoying every minute of it. None of the other bands could fill the floor like they did, and that says a lot.
I was impressed that they actually played Chicago’s “25 or 6 to 4.” I was even more impressed that they nailed it. NAILED IT! And to think the guitarist is a minister. I hate to say it, but he had the devil in him that night because he was amazing. They all were. We had the greatest time.
[set list forthcoming]
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