Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Weight Loss Challenge (Week 4)

I’m not sure I can top yesterday’s blog, so I won’t even try. The only thing to report today is that my weekly weigh-in was last night and I’m now down 15.4 pounds. My goal for next Tuesday is to be down 20 pounds from when we began.

Getting dressed this morning I noticed I’m now on the third hole of my belt, which has never happened since I’ve had it. And I ate at Chipotle last night. HA! Having my belt fit like that was definitely a great way to start the day.

You know…the beauty of losing so much weight is that you get a whole new wardrobe. By new wardrobe I mean all those clothes you haven’t been able to wear in five years that have been hibernating in the closet. So now I have a vintage wardrobe of sorts. Either way, it beats the XXL shirts and 42 inch pants I was wearing.

Kristen’s also still doing very well. She’s running further every workout. My knees are still a little sore, but definitely recovering pretty well. I’ve been staying on the elliptical for about 45 minutes to an hour a day so they will heal faster. Don’t get me wrong, the elliptical burns calories like a furnace but I’m anxious as hell to get back on the treadmill.

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