PETA responded to the latest incident during a game Feb. 19 by sending a letter to the KSU president - describing chickens as "very intelligent and inquisitive animals" that appeared to have been subjected to "deafening noise, bright lights, terror, abusive handling and likely death for the sake of amusement"- similar to their fate under gripping, gnashing teeth of Bubba Dog, may he rest in peace.
K-State has said it would not comment on the complaint, but the athletic department issued a statement Tuesday saying it considers live, non-service animals "contraband." Any fans caught with animals or caught throwing any object onto a playing surface will be ejected from the game and could face prosecution.
"These actions severely tarnish the image of our University, its athletics teams and the majority of our outstanding fans and supporters and while viewed by many as harmless pranks, these acts are likely illegal," the letter said.
This class act hasn't done much to will the Wildcats to victory. The Jayhawks beat Kansas State 71-62. So my question for you Wildcat fans is this:
What is the Colonel's secret recipe?
...Well, eleven savory herbs and spices of course!
And only distressed chickens....easier to clean because of the increased adrenalin rush causes the entrails to separate from the carcas more readily.
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