So....I had a St. Patrick's Day Potluck on Friday at work. Being the devoted Irish Lass that I am, I decided to find a really TASTY dish to bring and I came across a recipe for Chocolate Guinness Cake. Beer AND chocolate? My two favorite things. Bingo.
The recipe had 3 parts: the cake, the sauce that soaks into the cake to make it moist, and the ganache coating.
Thursday evening, I started the task - made the cake, no problemo! Then, the sauce, easy-peasy! At 9:00, I started the ganache to the precise specifications of the recipe.....Uh. I ended up with a glob of chocolate in the saucepan with an inch of oil on top. Not good. What to do, what to do, uh...
Kristen: MARK! HELP!
Mark: Jesus, what did you do? You got it too hot and the chocolate separated.
Kristen: How can we fix it?
Mark: You can't. It's ruined.
So I go BACK to the store at 9:45 Thurs night to get more chocolate chips and more cream. Come home, Mark set up a double boiler for me to control the heat better. So I start the arduous task of making the ganache. After 45 minutes, I'm zonked. So, I poured the mixture on the cake. Bad news, chocolate isn't melted completely - visible lumps.
Kristen: MARK! HELP!
Mark: Jesus, what a disaster. You are not taking that to work. That's embarrassing.
Kristen: Get out.
So, in an attempt to prove my Thursday night not a total loss, I pulled out a bar of white chocolate and made curls to hide the chocolate lumps. Beautiful!
Next morning...
Kristen: What do you think of the cake?
Mark: You'd better give me credit for that. I helped!
Ha-ha! Success! The husband is pleased!
The best part is that I told my co-workers that the white curls on top represented the foam on a pint of Guinness. They were duped! Suckers! And it was the tastiest cake that I will NEVER make again.
Also, please note the autographed picture in the background of Brian Baker - AKA the Sprint Commercials Trenchcoat Guy. Bet you're jealous.
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