In true Kennedy sibling rivalry fashion, the baby on the left (above) is pounding on the wall of the other baby. Poor thing will probably be born with an "indention" in its arm from the abuse. See the two round heads and the white "flipper" looking objects hooked to the baby on the left? Those are the arms - wailing away at the wall separating them.

This is a side-view of baby "B." Head is on the right, rump on the left.
And now for the grand finale. Although quite early, our doctor is fairly confident that one is a boy. I just hope he's as good as our sweet nephew, Baby James. The other he's thinking is a girl, but he couldn't get a good enough view.
The sono picture below is the same as the one above, but our cheeky doctor thought it would be funny for Mark to have a picture talking about the "size" of our boy (currently measured at 3.3mm). I don't get it. Something to do with Mork from Ork - clearly a joke over my head.
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