...Getting closer to the due date! Mark and I took an infant CPR class this week, which scared the bejeezus out of both of us, I think. But being the goofs we are, we couldn't let this photo-op pass and we snuck some pictures when no one was looking.

Oh man. Dad's feeling what it will be like with 2 baby girls - won't be long now! It will be especially lovely if they're both crying like they appear to be doing in this picture. Or maybe they're just singing Bohemian Rhapsody....

Ah - the choking baby action shot. This is where you turn the infant over and whack them firmly on the back. Hopefully, the bambinas will remember to chew every bite thoroughly before swallowing. And though they look delicious and it is sometimes hard to resist, eating legos is a bad idea.
They're not crying, they're pleading, "Where's Nana, where's nana?"
Looking good. Just a good arm full. Gonnna be fun...Grandma
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