Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day 2006

Well…I missed my target weight loss by one pound this week. Those three damn Thin Mints did me in yesterday. I bet if I go back and work out again tonight I’ll hit it. The good news is that I’m still losing about three-and-a-half to four pounds a week. I’m currently 19 pounds lighter than when I started on February 10th.

Tonight is Valentines Day dinner for my baby. We’re having either Salmon or KC Strip depending on what looks better at the store. I’m also going to make my famous horseradish mashed potatoes and braised red cabbage with goat cheese and basil oil. For desert…Vanilla Ice Cream with Marinated Berries and a nice glass of Sauterne. Mmmmmm.

Pictures will be up soon of the dinner.

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!

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