Monday, September 08, 2008


And so begins the love affair with food. This weekend Iris and Nora got to eat some squash. If you don't know why this is such a monumental event, it's because it's the first time either have eaten food off a spoon.

It's apparent that Iris is fine with the lovely vegetable, but Nora is not quite sold yet. That's okay, though, because we have some sweet potatoes that we roasted for them as well. Who knows what all we'll be making them in the future, but if it's this fun we can't wait.


Carrie said...

That video was the cutest I've ever seen! I was so happy to see that even with twins, you end up with one good eater and one not-so-good eater. Right now, both my son and daughter weigh the SAME! Can you guess which one is my good eater?

Ace said...

Mission accomplished!! They are such adorable girls.

David M

Marcia said...

Sal can't wait to have the girls over for banana cookies!

Considering Sal actually gagged the first time he had a vegetable - I think both girls get gold stars!

Anonymous said...

They did great for the first time, wait til you do fruit...yummmmmmmm. they are just to cute......and Kristen you have it down to an art....kisses...Grandma