Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween from Thing 1 and Thing 2!

Thing 1 and Thing 2 hope you all have a very spoooooky Halloween! We went to a work party this afternoon and dressed the girls up as the characters from the Dr. Seuss book "The Cat in the Hat."
Nora and Iris trick or treat among the cubicles!

Dr. Seuss

Our good friend, Salvador the Bee.

R2-D2 is trying to get Iris' digits.

Poor Thing 1 and Thing 2 had a busy afternoon. They're suffering from a Halloween Hangover. Much rest needed until tomorrow night - party with Salvador the Bee!

Happy Halloween Everybody! Boooooo!


Anonymous said...

They are so the customes.....smooches grandma

Carrie said...

Those costumes are great! I can't wait to see what the girls pick out next year.

Marcia said...

Kristen - you are so creative with the costumes, the girls are adorable!

We missed you so much on Friday - nothing ruins a party like a fever and a side of boogers! We'll have to get together soon!