Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas is rapidly approaching and the girls are on their BEST behavior anticipating Santa's arrival. For example, here is Nora and the beautiful Starr tannenbaum we have repeatedly told her not to touch. Ahhh the Holiday Spirit - alive and well.
Mark and the girls relaxing in the afternoon watching our favorite - "Horton Hears a Who" - for the six hundreth time. "I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant is faithful - one hundred percent!" Dr. Seuss, the cream of the crop!
Alright, so here's my favorite part, well, aside from being with family and friends and celebrating the true meaning of Christmas and being thankful for health and happiness. After all that malarky, I mean, here's my favorite part. Baking. Ahhh baking. And boiling - in this case, butter and sugar until it forms TOFFEE. Yummmmmmmy.
I tried a variation of my Mom's sugar cookies this year using royal icing instead of her Meringue Buttercream. I must admit, Koffee's got it down. Her cookies taste much better. And that's the most important part!
More family (and baking) pictures to come. The Starr Holidays rest for no man, woman, or beast! Hope to see you all very soon! Ho Ho Ho!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

like I said....I humbly bestow upon Kristen K Starr the title of "Master Sugar Cookie Baker" previously held by Nana...

Anonymous said...

nora....perfect christmas card you Grandma, and great pic of you Mark and the girls

Anonymous said...

Kristen, don't know where you find the time...but you are super mom...all looks so good.......janie