Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Thanks, Cuz!

A HUGE Starr "thank you" to our cousin Quinlan. He was so generous and gave the girls his fantastic kitchen set. They LOVE it and play with it every day. They know how to use the utensils to "mixa-mixa-mixa" in the saucers and pans. It's so much fun. Here are some fun pictures to show their cooking chops. Taking after their chef Daddy!
Iris especially likes to make toast in the toaster.
Thanks again Quinlan!!!


Carrie said...

My kids still love their kitchen. You will have years of fun come from that little gem!

Anonymous said...

how much they can cook something up with grandma when I come..they are growing so you all

Anonymous said...

where's the pix of the judge judy t-shirts