Monday, November 29, 2010


What a GREAT Thanksgiving! Molly, Colin, James, and Bodie came up from Texas and we spent 3 action-packed days in Topeka!

This is the kids' table. Now that we've had Iris and Nora, we've been banished to it again. Not that anyone minds.
Here's the feast! Colin and I got to go first - again, played the "kid" card. Nice!
No one had more fun with the cousins than Iris - often to the detriment of her nutrition. Ahh well.

More giggling....

Nora and James are obviously much more serious at mealtime.
Bodie Bode!!
It's like a clown car, but a bed! We are actually belting out Wizard of Oz songs as we watch the movie. Which may sound lame. And it is. But it was fun.

The weather Saturday was warm enough to run around the yard, visit the horses, and get out the pink Escalade! Yay! Sometimes, Daddy has to help steer....and hit the gas.

Iris glams it up.

Follow Daddy, follow Daddy!

What a great time! Wouldn't want to do it again before tomorrow! Gobble Gobble!

Grandma Starr, we missed you so much!


Emily Marie said...

Love the pictures. Tell Iris I've been practicing my turkey racing skills, and i'll be ready next time.!


Anonymous said...

I miss you guys too. Glad you had a wonderful time . Hugs and Kisses Grandma