Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The New Garage

Since taking off Friday from work and having a four day weekend, I can honestly say it's somewhat nice to get back to work. There is just something nice about getting back to the swing of things.

Since our trip to the lake was cancelled, we decided that it was a good time to do something with the garage. It has kind of taken a back seat to the rest of the house and started to become a storage room instead of a nice home for our cars.

We decided that a good painting would do the trick, and boy did it. It looks ten times better than it did. We went with two shades of gray and are very happy with the result. In the month(s) to come, I'm going to have to do the floor and finish it up for good. Here are some pictures of what we accomplished.


Phototogene said...

When Quin is sitting on the throne, he says "Go Away" like your foot mat.

Kristen Starr said...

We like to get to the point. As soon as people show up....GET OUT!